Reels Focus
Choose the English Reels you'd like to focus on and practice exactly what you need to improve.
Reading Beginner/Intermediate
English Comprehension Beginner
Think and Choose
Basic Vocabulary Beginner
True or false
English Comprehension Beginner
Build the Sentence 1
Grammar Beginner/Intermediate
Build the Sentence 2
Grammar Advanced/Proficiency
Verbs Conjugations 1
Verb tenses Beginner/Intermediate
Verbs Conjugations 2
Verb tenses Advanced/Proficiency
Synonyms 1
Vocabulary Builder Beginner/Intermediate
Synonyms 2
Vocabulary Builder Advanced/Proficiency
Multiple Choice 1
Use of English Beginner/Intermediate
Multiple Choice 2
Use of English Advanced/Proficiency
Open Cloze 1
Use of English Beginner/Intermediate
Open Cloze 2
Use of English Advanced/Proficiency
Grammar Sentences 1
Grammar Beginner/Intermediate
Grammar Sentences 2
Grammar Advanced/Proficiency
Grammar Quizzes 1
Grammar Beginner/Intermediate
Grammar Quizzes 2
Grammar Advanced/Proficiency
Word Formation 1
Use of English Intermediate/Advanced
Word Formation 2
Use of English Advanced/Proficiency
Magic Words
Vocabulary Builder Advanced/Proficiency
Vocabulary Builder All Levels
Key Word Transformation 1
Use of English Intermediate/Advanced
Key Word Transformation 2
Use of English Advanced/Proficiency
Audio Notices
Listening Advanced/Proficiency
Play and Write 1
Listening Beginner/Intermediate
Play and Write 2
Listening Advanced/Proficiency
Choose the Word
Pronunciation Beginner/Proficiency
Tongue Twisters
Pronunciation Proficiency